Sunday, August 28, 2011

That homeschooling info...

Homeschooling to me was like a last resort. 
It was the only planB I could come up with when we were no longer considering private school, because $800+ a month for private school is unrealistic at this point.
So in the midst of my yahoo/google/bing headache, I found this...

" It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiousity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom. "
- Albert Einstein

Suddenly I had a whole new attitude about this crazy homeschool idea.
As I continued my research (quickly skimming through links), I became more excited about our decision and stopped thinking of this option as "planB".

Here are the pros and cons I came up with.

She gets to work at her own pace.
It would be 1-on-1 learning time instead of 30 kids to 1 teacher.
The curriculums we would choose are more advanced then the local public schools.
She can spend more time in extra curricular activities, such  as dance or sports.
We plan on doing a lot of field trips and hands on experiments.
The fact that she will learn to love learning, and not be "forced" to learn.
The list goes on...

Cons- Lack of social interaction
I don't get a much needed break.

Well, both of the cons lost, because there are A LOT of people that have decided to switch to homeschooling this past year, due to the fact that the public school system is slowly turning into a major FAIL, one budget cut at a time.  
I found local homeschooling groups, and co-ops.
The homeschooling groups do field trips, playdates, science experiments, etc. together.
The co-ops are when there's a group of moms that take turns watching each others kids.
The idea is, you get 3-4 other moms involved, and each mom takes all of the kids once a week.
So each of you winds up with a few hours 3-4 days a week kid free. :D
I love this idea!
...But I was still freaking out.
How the heck was I going to teach my daughter how to read and write?!
I'm not cut out to teach.  So then I found this...
(Keep in mind we all have different reasons. Some of what she addressed happened to be the things
I was worried about)
Why I Homeschool (fears &concerns addressed)
And then people started questioning the fact that we had decided to homeschool.
I started to lose some resolve.  Then I saw this...
Being a homeschool mom...This post reminded me of why we had fallen in love with planB.
Destiny is doing wonderfully. She has learned a lot in such a short time.
Isaac (the toddler) likes to join in during school time, and is running around yelling out random letters, and can count to 3. :)
Whatever you choose to do for your kids education, know why.
Not that we owe any one an explanation, but it doesn't feel too great, when you're standing there stammering.(trust me, I know)

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