Wow. My first post on my first blog.
I've actually been talking about creating this blog for awhile now.
Well, here it goes...
You can call me Nikki. (It's a nickname)
I'm 24 years old, have been married to a wonderful (sometimes) ;) man going on 4 years,
and a mother to a preschooler & toddler.
It's almost kind of hard to believe.
Anyways, this blog is not all about homeschooling,
although a lot of it probably will be, because it is going to be a large part of our daily lives
Um... (stage fright) Well, we have decided to homeschool our preschooler.
Destiny turned 4 this summer. Our original plan was to enroll her into 1 of 2 private schools we had narrowed our choices down to, but being affected by the economy, we were grasping for a planB we had failed to plan...
Preschool is not offered by the public school system in our state, unless of course, you are very
low-income (eligible for welfare), or your child has some kind of disabilty, speech problem, or behavioural problem.
Our preschooler doesn't fit into any of those categories, but she NEEDED to get schooling now!
Hence the idea to homeschool. I tried to Google, Yahoo, & Bing info, but I'm one of those people that have issues looking past the first few links.
So I will post those links over the next few days for those of you that are also one of those people...
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