Friday, August 26, 2011

Dishwasher vs. Hand washing...

Ahhh! I ran out of dishwasher detergent!   :o
My grandmother is visiting from out of state, and I had a dishwasher full of dishes,
and no soap to wash them.  Just leaving them to hide in the dishwasher wasn't going to work either, because dishes were starting to collect in the sink.
So... with much hesitation, I started transferring dishes, cups, & flatwear from the dishwasher into the sink to prepare for the daunting task that lay ahead. (Honestly, if she wasn't coming to my home, I would've left them in there until tomorrow afternoon when I had more dishwasher detergent.)

What you see here is less than 2 days worth of dishes, and the sink is fairly deep.
There are 5-6 plates stacked under all that.

I'm sorry, but I do not hand wash dishes. 
Growing up I had heard that relying on a dishwasher is lazy.  Um... I beg to differ.
I try to wash all bedding, clean the bathrooms, and all the floors once a week, and wash towels every few days.  I try to make a point of cleaning the kitchen counters, and stove top everytime I use them.
All this on top of laundry, cleaning messes, cooking, recleaning messes, homeschooling, (oh look another mess) taking the dog out, screaming 20 month old needs a nap, nursing, (yes my son still nurses *rolls eys) pull vacuum out for some crazy mess of shredded paper, cereal, or crumbs from preschooler trying to establish independence.......and so it continues.
Oh the joys of mother hood. ;)
I'm sorry, but I just don't hand wash dishes.  And to the mothers that have no choice, kudos to you!
My MIL and my brother in laws long distance gf (visited recently), were bragging to each about how they have dishwashers and don't even use them.
I sat quietly, and smiled, imagining their daily lives...
Go to work 8-10 hours a day, come home, watch some uninterrupted tv, eat an uninterrupted dinner, wash a few dishes by hand, put them away, take a nice uninterrupted bath, and get a full night of uninterrupted sleep.
I thought, I'd love to have just one day of that.
But then I imagined living the life of a single woman and decided, only one day. 
I love my busy, interrupted life.
The messy smiles that shine past the messes of my house make my heart mushy, and I want to spend every spare moment I can with them, because they really are growing too fast.
So I'll take my dishwasher please!

                           Btw... I did wash those dishes by hand.  It took me an 1hour 20min. 

Update: 8/28/2011
When I told my grandmother I had washed all of the dishes by hand,
she said that sometimes if she's out of dishwasher soap, she puts in a very small amount
of dish soap.  ;)
I love my grandma!

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